PS/IS 163
The Bath Beach School

The Bath Beach Intermediate School is proud to announce a new chapter of the National Junior Honor Society. NJHS is an organization that recognizes its members for their outstanding performance in the areas of Scholarship, Leadership, Service, Character, and Citizenship. Membership in the Bath Beach Intermediate School Chapter of NJHS is both an honor and a responsibility. Members are selected by the Faculty Selection Committee for membership, due to their demonstration of superior qualities in the areas of Scholarship, Leadership, Service, Character, and Citizenship.
All students at 163 who have demonstrated academic excellence will be invited to apply for this prestigious organization. In order to be inducted, students will have to maintain at least a 92% average, nothing less than an 85% in any subject, along with excellent conduct behavior. In addition to the Scholarship standard, membership in NJHS is also based on standards of Leadership, Service, Character, and Citizenship. Students who meet all criteria will participate in an induction ceremony every Spring where they will be recognized for their efforts as official members of National Junior Honor Society.
Click the image BELOW to watch the 2022 Ceremony!